Broccoli and Cheddar Twice-Baked Potatoes

twelve (about half of a 1.5lb bag)
small potatoes
a quarter cup
milk or cream
half tsp. tea
a quarter tsp. tea
Garlic powder
half cup
Steamed broccoli, chopped
3/4 cup
Grated cheddar cheese

Step one
Placing potatoes on baking sheet and baking at 400°F for 30 min Let cool until you can handle them (I put them in the fridge to speed up this step!)

Step two
Slice the potatoes lengthwise and using a spoon scoop out the flesh, making sure to leave enough flesh around the skin so that they are sturdy enough to stuff them into.

Step three
Using a fork, mash the potato flesh. Add the milk, salt and garlic powder and mash until creamy.
Step four
Stir in the broccoli and ½ cup of cheddar. Using a spoon, fill the potato shells with the mixture.

Step five
Sprinkle with a quarter cup of cheese and bake at 400°F for 10 minutes, until the cheese has started to brown. Serve immediately.

Enjoy !

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