These Big Apple Fritters are some of the most amazing warm homemade desserts that have ever been made. They are easy to whip up, with easily accessible homemade ingredients. You could make just one of them in less than twenty minutes, right from scratch. But that’s not the best part. The best part of this recipe is the amazingly delicious, mouthwatering taste; it is a dessert after all.
Weight watchers will be interested to know that this Big Apple Fritters’ recipe contains an estimated 118 calories, 4.9g fat, 17.4g carbohydrates and 98 mg sodium; per serving.
The ingredients you’ll need in order to make these Big Apple Fritters are:
3 cups all-purpose flour
1½ cups sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
¾ teaspoon Apple Pie Spice
2 large eggs
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 Tablespoons butter, softened
1½ cups peeled, chopped apples
Oil for frying
Confectioners sugar
One important thing to note is that the quantities of ingredients stated above recipe are only good for about four (4) servings. To make more, you’re going to have to tweak the recipe a bit. But it’s not just a matter of adding more cups of chopped apples to the mix or an extra cup of all- purpose flour. Each and every single one of the ingredients has to be increased proportionately. It’s pretty simple to do that but we’re well aware that things can get tricky very fast in the kitchen, particularly if it’s your first time trying this out, so if you need any help in tweaking the recipe, feel free to leave a message for us in the comments section and we’ll be sure to get back to you.
This recipe doesn’t need so much by way of equipments but you will need the following:
A deep skillet (or a Dutch oven, preferably one that is temperature regulated. You could also use a deep fryer or an electric skillet.)
A mixer (preferably an automated one)
A sieve (for your flour and other dry ingredients)
Measuring cups (different sizes, or just one or two well calibrated ones)
One large pot
Paper towels (for draining)
For the sake of being thorough, well just go ahead and mention all the bowls and spoons that always manage to find their way to the dishwasher at the end of every cooking session.
We like to give a little recommendation at the start of each of our recipes, which is, before you begin, you should clean your cooking surfaces and clear out any clutter on your counter tops (if there’s any, that is). Not only does it help with hygiene, but it aids free range of movement and helps to un-clutter your mind. But the best part is how it creates space on your counter top so that you can measure out all your ingredients in the right quantities and arrange them in little ceramic bowls, like they do on TV.
So, go ahead and do that, and when you reach the part of setting out your ingredients, do it individually. You have to be careful NOT to mix any of them together until the recipe tells you to.
Are you ready?
Take in a deep breath and let’s begin!
Pour oil into a deep skillet or Dutch oven to a depth of about 3 inches.
Heat to 375 degrees.
(You are heating the oil up now because all 3 inches of it needs to be really hot by the time you’re ready to start frying. It is called deep frying after all.)
Sift flour, sugar, salt, and Apple Pie Spice into a large mixing bowl.
(Sifting flour is actually a greatly overlooked step in many flour-based recipes. We advise you not to skip this step because sifting loosens up the flour as well as all the other dry ingredients. But more importantly, it helps to collect whatever impure particles the flour might still contain.)
Place eggs in a separate bowl and beat them lightly.
(Breaking the eggs in a separate bowl is one of the smartest culinary decisions you can ever make. Some people go right ahead and break the eggs into the other ingredients in the mixing bowl, but that is not how this recipe goes. Besides, how are you supposed to beat it then? And what if something is wrong with one of the eggs?)
Stir in milk and vanilla.
(This is all part of the flavoring process according to this recipe. Again, it’s something that other recipes might do differently. But there is a simple rule in baking: wet ingredients to wet ingredients, and dry ingredients to dry ingredients. It helps to get everything incorporated perfectly.)
Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the milk mixture.
Add butter and beat with a mixer on low speed to moisten, about ½ minute.
Scrape down sides of bowl and increase speed to medium for 2 minutes longer.
(While this is going on, you might want to check on the oil to make sure the temperature hasn’t exceeded 375 degrees.
How will you do this? We don’t know.
But if it feels like the oil is getting too hot, and it has loads of smoke coming out the top of it, you might want to do something about that. But if it’s fine, press on. We’re almost there.)
Fold in apples
(into the mix inside the mixer.)
Using a ¼ cup size measuring cup, drop into hot oil.
Be careful not to splash the hot oil on yourself.
If your pot is not very large at the top, you may be able to cook only one at a time. As the fritters cook, they will rise to the top. When browned on the first side, carefully turn them over with a spatula to brown the second side.
Drain on paper towels and sprinkle immediately, and generously, with confectioner sugar or glaze I prefer glaze.
To make glaze confectioners sugar and milk or water whisk together and glaze while warm.
Serve, dig in and enjoy!
(Remember: Serves about 4)