Cocoa bolus

3 eggs

2Cl of butter (soup) or coconut oil (1/2 xícara)

1/2xc of culinary seasoning or another of your preference

1/2xc of hot water (you can specify more)

1xc cocoa 100%

2xc of amêndoa farinha

1Cl (desktop) of soluble coffee

50g of chopped 70% chocolate

1Cl of fermented (soup) po

Mix all the ingredients in the order of the recipe, whisk in the hand or batedeira, place the ferment at the end by mixing slowly.


Clear the dough in the shape of an English pastry spread with butter (for aluminum) and slightly in the oven before heating at 180° for + or – 40 minutes, wait to cool down and preferably unformed. Appreciate in moderation 👌




50g of chocolate 70%

100 ml of coconut milk or (1/2 box) of cream of milk


Mildly microwave or chocolate along with creme de leite or (coconut milk) for 1 minute stirring every 30 seconds, mix soon.

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