quick and easy—and delicious dessert !! This impressive flan can be served warm or cold, everyone will love it! It’s a must try recipe! (:
- Puff pastry: 1
- Milk: 1 liter
- Egg: 3 (large)
- Sugar: 160 g
- Cornstarch: 100 g
- Vanilla sugar: 2 bags
- Vanilla: 3 small spoons
- Vanilla powder: ½ small spoon
- In the beginning, you should line the mold previously buttered and floured with the dough, prick the bottom and the edges with the tines of a fork. And please refrigeraate when you prepared filling. Alright, set the temperature of your oven to 180 ° C.
- In a salad bowl, beat together the eggs with the cornstarch, vanilla extract and 125 ml of milk (taken from the liter of milk in the recipe) with an electric whisk.
- Make sure to pour the remaining milk into a saucepan together with the vanilla sugar, sugar, vanilla powder (or the vanilla bean split in half lengthwise and scraped). And please bring to a boil. While beating (electric whisk), you may want to pour the boiling sweet vanilla milk over the egg mixture. You’ll want to return everything to the saucepan, return to very low heat and keep stirring with a wooden spatula. Simmer for a few seconds, no more, the preparation should be slightly thickened.
- Okay now, pour the preparation on the dough (removing the vanilla pod if you have put one) stuck in the mold. Immediately bake for about 40 minutes at 180 ° C. If necessary, you may cover with foil for the last 5 minutes. The last thing to do is to allow to cool completely before unmolding, cutting and eating. Keep refrigerated.