Old Time Oven Peach Cobbler

Peach Cobbler is a classic baked dessert. It is a dessert with layers of fruit, butter, and flour mixes, all baked at once.

People love it for the buttery crust and peach texture that balances well with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I remember being ordering them a lot at the neighborhood café. With this recipe it becomes easy to get it at home. I added a hint of nutmeg and cinnamon powder to the crumbly crust and the scent was amazing. You can also add some grated lemon peel to the peaches as it will balance the sweetness of the cobbler. I bring it in large portions at once and my family enjoys it after dinner and sometimes while sipping tea. A peach cobbler makes the perfect midnight snack, too, although it’s not the healthiest option!

You can have them as a cheat day candy for sure.

This delicious fruit makes the best cobbler ever! Check out our old oven cobbler recipe, Hope you like it.

  • Ingredients :

° 1 large drained can of peaches, sliced.

° 1 cup biscuit mixture.

° 1 cup milk.

° A small spoon of nutmeg.

° Semi tsp cinnamon powder.

° Semi cup dissolved butter.

° 1 cup sugar.

° Vanilla ice cream (optional).

  • How :

Mix biscuit mixture with milk, nutmeg and cinnamon in an 8×8 baking dish until well blended then mix them with melted butter.

In a bowl, mix sugar and peaches and put the crust with a spoon.

In a preheated 375 ° C oven, bake for 45 to 60 minutes.

Top with vanilla ice cream before serving..

Easy, sweet and easy! There is no dessert better than a delicious peach cobbler with some vanilla ice cream on top.

Enjoy !

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