Ingredients For the bullets 200 grams of Loacker Crème Noisette waffles Waffles with nut cream and chocolate 70 grams butter liquid 40 grams of powdered sugar 50 grams ground hazelnuts 2 tablespoons baking cocoa For …

Simple food magazine
Simple food magazine
Ingredients For the bullets 200 grams of Loacker Crème Noisette waffles Waffles with nut cream and chocolate 70 grams butter liquid 40 grams of powdered sugar 50 grams ground hazelnuts 2 tablespoons baking cocoa For …
Ingredients 3/4 cup (94g) all-purpose flour (spoon & leveled) 1/2 cup (41g) unsweetened natural cocoa powder 3/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 large eggs, at room temperature* 1/2 cup …