You will need:
°1 tablespoon finely grated onion.
°Half a cup of sugar.
°Half a cup of mayonnaise.
°Half a cup of well-whipped milk.
°Half a cup of full fat milk.
°1 tablespoon of white vinegar.
°2 1/2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.
°Half a teaspoon of salt.
°Half a teaspoon of black pepper.
°8 c of finely cabbage.
°Half a cup of grated carrots.
How do:
Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl, except for the carrots and cabbage.
Once the mixture is smooth and well blended, combine the cabbage and carrots and stir until combined.
Covering and refrigerate about at least 4 h.
Stir before serving and voila!
Easy, easy to prepare and creamy! I once served this salad with fried chicken and rice, and it felt like we were at KFC! Give this a shot, you will be surprised!